Experiencing Transcendence: The 7th Perspective
We’ve all heard the word ‘transcendence’ and, if you’re like most people, it brings to mind a little floating guru with a big...
The 6th Perspective: The Gift of Being Present
Everyone has heard the advice, “Live in the moment”, right? We’re told over and over that the only way to truly be happy to appreciate...
You Win, I Win: The Opportunity Perspective
One thing I love about discussing the levels of perspective is that they just keep getting better and better the higher up we go. While...
Exploring the Fourth, or ‘Service’ Perspective
If you’ve been keeping up with our recent series of blogs, you’ve got to be convinced by now that perspective is important. Okay, not...
Perspective Levels: Level 3
In our last post, we talked about the first two levels of catabolic perspective: The Victim and The Conflict Perspective. So let’s do a...
Levels of Perspective: The Catabolic Levels
As we continue with our ongoing series on the 7 levels of perspective (derived from iPEC’s 7 Levels of Leadership) as introduced in my...
The 7 Levels of Perspective: How Do You See the World? Introduction to the 7 Levels
One of my absolute favorite quotes is by artist and author Alice Walker. Before we go into the actual quote and its meaning, let’s first...
Are Your Interpretations Getting In Your Way?
“We do not see the world as it is, we see it as we are.” – Anais Nin A story of interpretation: Centuries ago, the Pope decreed that Jews...
The Effects of False Assumptions In Your Work
If you’ve been reading this series, then you’re already acquainted with just how much outer blocks and inner blocks really stink. If we...
Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs
“Doctors and scientists said that breaking the four-minute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up...