trish cody
Certified Coach & Speaker
Dedicated to helping teams and individuals achieve through intentionally aligning what you do with who you are.
Work With Me
What People Are Saying
Attending one of Trish Cody's workshops is literally like taking one of the coolest classes in college - you become enlightened, educated, and eager to know more - all while thoroughly enjoy the learning process. Her style is engaging, interactive, and eye-opening. You will be changed for the better when you work with Trish Cody.
Difference Maker, LLC
I have always excelled professionally in sales and leadership positions for the last 20 years, but the last 12-18 months was a real struggle for me. I was questioning myself and losing confidence in myself. The PowerUp 2015 seminar gave me permission to “evaluate myself” in a non-critical way. I realized that I was limiting myself by holding onto some “head junk” that was affecting my attitude and my thought processes. I decided to remove the hurdles of self-doubt by employing a couple of recommendations from each seminar. I am much happier and far more productive in 2016! PowerUp challenged me to look at the world differently!
First and foremost, Trish does her homework. She strives to achieve clarity around your needs before helping you develop an agenda for your meeting or retreat. She’s positive, high energy, discerning, and delivers.
Attending one of Trish Cody's workshops is literally like taking one of the coolest classes in college - you become enlightened, educated, and eager to know more - all while thoroughly enjoying the learning process. Her style is engaging, interactive, and eye-opening. You will be changed for the better when you work with Trish Cody.
Difference Maker, LLC
I have always excelled professionally in sales and leadership positions for the last 20 years, but the last 12-18 months was a real struggle for me. I was questioning myself and losing confidence in myself. The PowerUp 2015 seminar gave me permission to “evaluate myself” in a non-critical way. I realized that I was limiting myself by holding onto some “head junk” that was affecting my attitude and my thought processes. I decided to remove the hurdles of self-doubt by employing a couple of recommendations from each seminar. I am much happier and far more productive in 2016! PowerUp challenged me to look at the world differently!
First and foremost, Trish does her homework. She strives to achieve clarity around your needs before helping you develop an agenda for your meeting or retreat. She’s positive, high energy, discerning, and delivers.
Ted E. Bear Hollow
Heritage Financial
CFDD Midwest Annual Meeting
"Your Seven Choices for Being"
CFDD Midwest Annual Meeting
"Your Seven Choices for Being"
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
West O Chamber Leadership Series
Part One: Breaking Through Your Business Attitude Barriers
Info and Tickets: http://bit.ly/2ACw43t
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
West O Chamber Leadership Series
Part Two
Info and Tickets: http://bit.ly/2BIpJ74
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
West O Chamber Leadership Series
Part Three
Info and Tickets: http://bit.ly/2nqJqMb
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
West O Chamber Leadership Series
Part Four
Info and Tickets: http://bit.ly/2DR8qCr

With over 20 years of experience as a strategic consultant for global Leadership and Development initiatives with some of the world’s top Fortune 500 companies, Trish Cody has coached and consulted with senior level teams in planning, designing, launching, and measuring the return for major initiatives.
As a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Practitioner, Trish works with entrepreneurs, senior leaders and their teams to uncover their real desires for their organizations, and to align those desires with their values to co-create a strategy for execution and accountability. The leaders Trish partners with are truly working their own best plan for success in achieving their desired "new state", and weathering the changes that success brings.

For information about coaching, speaking, or to schedule a free consultation, please contact me at:
402-995-1113 | trish@trishcody.com
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